Thursday, 28 October 2010

Review: Lil Lush Pud

Lil Lush pud retails for £1.95, but being the money saver, I cut it in half:)
It smells like Marzipan and almonds, just like snowcake soap.
  • It smells yummy!
  • It looks preety and its in your face christmas!
  • Fizzes fast and loudly, which I prefer:)
  • Its cheap


  • It makes the bath water turn brown.
  • It has little black specs throughout, which stay at the bottom of the bath.

I think I would buy this again, as there is no other bathbombs which such a yummy scent.



Tuesday, 26 October 2010

I'll tell you what I want what I really really want.

After discovering Snowcake soap ive gone of almond overload, wanting to get my mitts on anything remotely scented like it. So far I have found..

Smitten Hand Cream( being discontinued :()
and marziban bubble bar.

I need them:(

Review: Winter bath ballistic

Winter bath retails for £1.95 for 95g.
Lush tend to go down the spicy and moistursing root with this one, but when I smell it, Spice doesn't seem to jump out and me.
I paired this with candy cane and the scents went together very well, possibly due to the milk and creamynesss with both products possess.
  • It smells nice, edible but not in a sweet way.
  • Reasonably moistursing, however nothing special.


  • It seems to foam more than fizz, which isn't as fun.
  • Mine, was just white with no green flecks, meaning that it is boring to look at.
  • It was absorbed very quickly, again meaning less fun.

Overall, I would purchase this again. I think that it's scent could compliment a range of other goodies in my lush stash, ,meaning I have an array of cocktail possiblities to choose from.



In and Outs : 1

  • Used candy cane again this morning, only a 1/4 and got a crazy amount of bubbles, me thinks im going to be stocking up on this one!
  • My hair smells like it too, which is also good!
  • Christmas is soon! Which means my birthday is soon!
  • Im going to my boyfriends gig on halloween, and obvious opportunity to dress up:)


  • Applying for jobs, its such a soul crusher and the fact that I havent even been offered an interview, even though I have applied to God knows how many places doesn't help my confidence.
  • The cold! Im fine with the cold, aslong as it snows with it.


Review: Bon Bon bath ballistic

This little yellow ball of fun is called Bon Bon. Being part of the retro range means that it is only available online and in store parties.

I was lucky enough, two weeks after the retro party in my local store, to find one lonely little BonBon , staring at me.
Lush say it smells like cream soda, whereas I seem to find a more fruity and zesty scent which is the perfect mix, not offensive.
Many have said its the fruity version of Butterball, and by this, they mean filled with butters and other moisturising goodness.

  • Smells nice
  • The bath turned a soft yellow, which wasn't too bad.
  • It was reasonable moisturising.


  • It didn't fizz much, which made it boring.
  • Wasn't as moisturising as Butterball.

Overall, I wouldn't buy again, it was nice, but there are so many more ballistics which are considerably better, and are in the main range, meaing easy access.



Monday, 25 October 2010

I went to Lush and I bought...

Lil Lush Pud and Satsumo Santa.

Ive already bought way to much from the Christmas range, and am gradually working my way through trying and reviewing them, but Lush calls to me, like a kid in a candy shop.

To me Lil Lush pud smells like marzipan, with a hint of cake, of which both I love.

Satsumo santa smells like sweets, like fizzes, which dominates the scents coming from my lush Stash.

Some things I won't be buying from the Christmas range include...

Bearded Lady

Maple Taffy lip balm

Iced Wine

and Manderins Tea party soap.

The Bearded lady smells of oranges to me, and its not that I don't like oranges, but I hate the smell which lingers around after you eat one, almost unbearable.

Maple Taffy just seems to smell off to me.

Iced Wine seems to have a unusual dull scent, like weak squash, which puts me off.

Manderins Tea party just doesn't seem to appeal me, nothing special.

Reviews coming soon!


Sunday, 24 October 2010


WHY do people insist on walking slowly through the city, paricularly those who smoke. I do not wish to be forced to walk slowly behind you, while you smoke and kill me with your passive smoking.


Then again, I also have an issue with space invaders who insist on walking immediatley behind me , and make no attempt to over take.

I can't win:)


Review:Oatifix fresh face mask

It contains Bananas, Oatmeal, Almonds and vanilla, of which, all are meant to be extremely benefical for dry and sensitive skin.

Last time I ventured into Lush wanting to get purchase a fresh facemask I was recommended Love lettuce. Although I do have combination skin, and this is designed for combination, I found it to not provide anything extra to my routine. It wasn't moistursing enough and I soon found out that I have more of an issue with the dryness of my skin.

Oatifix helps me with this, my skin is considerably less dry and my make-up, in turn applies easier.

It smells a bit odd in the tub, however, once it has been applied to the face, the scent weakens, and after removal, it smells edible:)

  • The tub contains several uses, I , and my family and used it a total of four times thus far and it is still 3/4 full.
  • It helps with dryness.


  • Costs £4.95, so its definatly not cheap.
  • It has a sell-by date. However this means it is extremly fresh.
  • You have to wash it off.

Overall, I do not think I would buy it again. Not because its ineffective, but because it is considered to be a treat and I most definatley would not plan to have a constant supply.



Review: Snowcake soap

I was, going to include a picture of the soap, however , it is an opaque white and most will get a plain piece, and also, im lazy and saw no point of venturing to google of searching for my camera.

Lush, claims it is made of almond and rose absolute, however all I can smell is marzipan( made from almonds) which I am indeed pleased as I do not like the scent of rose scents.

Interestingly, when asked my sister and my dad what they thought it smelt of , immediatley , they said cherries.
I have a theory for this.
My family are big fans of cherry bakewells. Almonds in cherry bakewells... thats all ive got :)

  • Its extremely moisturising
  • Smells amazing! My new favourite soap.
  • Reasonably priced, £2.50 for 100g


  • Its limited edition, meaning Im going to have to buy my entire shops supply:)
  • Its white, which is a bit boring.

If you havent guessed already, Im going to buy this again, and again, and some and again:)



Review: Cinders bath ballistic

Lush says it is made with " spicy cinnamon leaf, orange and almond oils."
Personally, I find it virtually impossible to describe the scent. Perhaps its just because I am uniformed and have a limited ablity to describe scents, or perhaps, it is such an unsual cocktail that even the most trained nose would find this little pop-rocking ball of fun a challenge to describe. Who knows?
Regardless, to me it smells nice. Cinnamon, to me, doesn't seem to jump out compared to Lush's other cinnamon products and this is possibly why I find it so hard. There is no dominant scent.
It does however, feel warm, soothing and relaxing, three attributes which make this ballistic and joy to use.

  • It has a relaxing smell.
  • Pop rocks provide a interesting addition.
  • The scent lasts on the body for a while.
  • Its reasonably priced, at £1.95 a pop.


  • It stains the bath yellow, not the best thing.
  • Its virtually impossible to cut in half, due to the rocks throughout.

I think I would buy it again, however this urge is most likely fueled by my want to have limited edition items. It is nice, certaintly, however the colour was odd and now I am going to have to venture downstairs to clean my bath, which to me, cancels out of the relaxing and carefree bath I just enjoyed.



Friday, 22 October 2010

Review: Candy cane bubble bar

I used this bubble bar this morning, 4 hours ago and I still smell of it. YUM
It is £2.35 which is one of the cheaper bubble-bars, possibly the cheapest.
Lush describe it as vanilla scented, but to me, it smells like bubble gum and sweets:)
They also claim it is the same scent as Creamy candy bubblebar, but to me, it smells more like Snow fairy shower gel.
  • Its reasonably priced
  • I can ger 3/4 baths out of it.
  • Scent lasts a long period of time.
  • Turns the bath and soft pink colour.


  • NONE! I love it, but it is very sweet thus, for those without a sweetooth, may cause vomitting.



Review: Christmas Eve Bubble bar

Retailing at £2.60 this is a mid range bubble bar and is of a reasonble size, with lush claiming it is 100g.
While I find it hard to describe the scent, Lush claims it is made with Jasmine, Ylang ylang and Irish moss powder, which together make a bubble bar suited for sensitve skins.

  • It is relaxing and soothing.
  • The colour is unoffensive .


  • It smells kind of soapy, like basic plain soap.
  • I used half the bar, and the water wasn't as blue as I expected, only a slight tinge.
  • It wasn't moistursing and the scent didn't last.

Overall , I did enjoy the experience. Unfortunatly, It didnt live up to what I hoped for. Perhaps I picked out a faulty batch, as the one I used last year( my first ever bubble bar) turned the water a beautiful deep royal blue.



Ten random facts about me:)

Rather than ramble about me, ive dediced to wittle my life into ten facts.

1. Im 18, 19 in December.
2. I love lush:)
3. I love Christmas, its my favourite time of the year and as soon as it gets cold I start looking foward to it.
4. I have completed 3 A-levels, getting a A in Sociology a B in History and a D in English Lit( which im redoing):)
5. Im creative and love making things.
6.I love fashion, but I also love comfort , which limits me somewhat:)
7. I hate blackcurrant.. like I can't even smell it.
8. My ipod is always attached to me.
9. I love E!,but I dont have it at my house, so I have to go to the sisters.
10. Im cold!



I love to blog.
Problem is , I tend to give up easily.
But, do to the new influx of Lush in my life
And my need to vent
This blog will be a success:)

The plan is to include things to do with fashion and make-up with indepth lush reviews and hauls:)
